Summary of lifetime estimates of victimization by intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence of Alaska female respondents, from the 2010 Alaska Victimization Survey.
My two big items today, the subject of most of my tweets (or retweets), both had to do with sexual violence in Alaska.
One. Baseline stats from the 2010 Alaska Victimization Survey on the victimization of women by sexual assault and intimate partner violence (i.e., domestic violence) were presented before a joint meeting of two Alaska Senate committees by André Rosay, director of the UAA Justice Center (where I work).
Two. The trial of Anthony Rollins opened in Anchorage. Rollins is a former officer of the Anchorage Police Department who is accused of sexually assaulting six women while on duty. I previously wrote about Anthony Rollins on this blog on 9 October 2009 in a post called “How to be a friend to an accused serial rapist”. Rollins’ trial is being livetweeted by Grace Jang of KTVA Channel 11 News.
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: Opening statements today in trial of Anthony Rollins, former APD officer // accused of raping women while on duty. #fb #
- RT: @uaajc: André Rosay presents baseline data on Alaska domestic violence to AK legislature (from @adndotcom). http://fb.me/JpqbPjjG #
- Wow, reader comments @adndotcom re: @uaajc study on domestic violence amazingly ignorant abt how research is done. http://fb.me/JpqbPjjG #fb #
- @GraceJangKTVA is livetweeting trial of ex-APD officer Anthony Rollins, accused of sexually assaulting multiple women while on-duty. #
- RT: @uaajc: RT: @AKnewswire: Walt Monegan to head Alaska Native Justice Center – KTUU http://bit.ly/fhPObp #
- @GraceJangKTVA Looks like Rollins’ defense is based on old “blame the victim” & “women who have sexuality are at fault for rape” defense. in reply to GraceJangKTVA #
- @GraceJangKTVA Who is the defense attorney? (Sounds like a real creep.) in reply to GraceJangKTVA #
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: Susan Carey, public defender from Fairbanks, is Rollins’ attorney. // Scary & creepy how she treats alleged victims. #
- Oops not “Susan Carey” but “Susan Carney” is Rollins’ public defender. #
- I believe in importance of defense in criminal cases. But attorneys on both sides should treat all witnesses w human respect, not contempt. #
- RT: @brisbanetimes: Sack the Union Jack? Eminent Australians rally around as call goes out for a new flag #australiaday http://bit.ly/exsi3O #
- RT: @uaajc: @adndotcom Anchorage Daily News editorial on Alaska domestic violence figures: “Stunning numbers.” http://fb.me/zKtjeEaB #
- @GraceJangKTVA Thanks, I saw your earlier correction & corrected her name in my own tweetstream. Thanks for livetweeting this trial. in reply to GraceJangKTVA #
- Last night’s KTVA story by @GraceJangKTVA on Rollins’ trial jury selection. http://bit.ly/hGfa2z #
- Happy Australia Day to all my Aussie friends! #fb #
- RT: @nethenekhthon #writeclub today @ Sugarspoon. Coming, yes? // Coming. Yes. in reply to nethenekhthon #
- RT: @Scallywag195: Whooping!!!! I’m coming. // Yeah! See you there! #
- RT: @uaajc: Here’s Powerpoint on 2010 AK Victimization Survey presented to AK legislators on violence against women. http://fb.me/QaNpTmXU #
- My plans for State of the Union: go out writing w/ my #NaNoWriMo peeps tonight, & catch up on SOTU tomorrow. #fb #