Dear Friends,
I wanted to take a moment to share with you my position on issues of importance to the LGBT community.
All Americans should have the same rights regardless of sexual orientation and as Alaska’s next U.S. Senator, I am committed to standing up for members of the LGBT community.
I strongly believe liberty begins with the individual, from a woman’s right to choose to a persons’ right to marry their significant other regardless of sexual orientation. I believe the government has no place telling people whom they can and cannot love.
I’m also the only candidate in this race that supports the full repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Sexual orientation should not deprive anyone of the opportunity to proudly serve our country. Like many Alaskans, I am disappointed by Lisa’s weak record when it comes to standing up for equality for all Alaskans.
While Lisa says we need her seniority in the Senate, in 2010, she used her seat on the Appropriations Committee to vote with her party against every appropriations bill. Lisa voted against over $400 million in funding for critical Alaska projects and programs, including domestic violence and sexual assault prevention funding. Seniority doesn’t mean much if you put your party ahead of the interests of Alaska.
I’m also happy to report we’ve got great “McMentum.” The most recent polling is showing this race as a dead heat between Lisa, and me with Joe dropping back into third. The polling has also shown movement towards our campaign and away from Joe and Lisa among women in Anchorage. I promise if Alaskans vote their values and not their fears on Election Day, you’ll send someone who represents your interests to the U.S. Senate.
I would be proud to have your support on November 2, 2010.
Scott McAdams
Candidate for U.S. Senate
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