Charles Wohlforth giving a talk on his book The Fate of Nature at the Wilda Marston Theatre, Loussac Library
I hadn’t even known Charles Wohlforth was talking about his book tonight until a friend mentioned it at the Green Tea Party — & though we got there late, I’m really glad I went. The book is The Fate of Nature: Rediscovering Our Ability to Rescue the Earth. It needs to be read & talked about. I’ve got my copy.
- Back to blogging, back to tweeting — but for now, back to learning me some CSS. Geekout. #fb #
- I belong to no political party, but I _am_ Mel Green, hence must go to the Tea Party being held in my honor. http://bit.ly/dnCd1s #
- Besides, green tea, & hence Green Tea Party, is good for one’s health, both locally & globally. http://bit.ly/dnCd1s #
- A Green evening: Green Tea Party, & then to Loussac to hear part of Charles Wolforth presentation, & bought his book The Fate of Nature. #fb #
Here’s Charles Wohlforth talking with folks as he signs his book after the presentation.
And after that, capped off the night by watching “The Fall” with Ptery. What a great movie!