Big cricket for sale: I found this big metallic insect in a shop window on G Street a couple of shops down from Side Street Espresso, where I do my Saturday writing.
Today was in part a prep day for NaNoWriMo 2009, which begins on the stroke of midnight. But I’m also working on a story, tentatively called “Breathe,” that takes place on the same planet, in the late stages of terraformation, where my story “Cold” is set. It tells the story of how Pina Chomko becomes the first person to breathe the planet’s free air, and also a bit of Finnish folklore. I’m aiming to submit it before the end of November (since that’s the deadline) to Crossed Genres to fit the folklore theme for their January issue. This is on top of doing 50,000 of NaNoWriMo writing.
And then in the evening, after returning from writing at Side Street — I learned that the LGBTQ issue at Crossed Genres had gone live. So you can all go read my story now, if you’d like. Please!
Here’s the day’s tweets.
- My story now online — “Cold” by Melissa S. Green | Crossed Genres http://bit.ly/320Vif — read it! Read the rest of the issue too! #
- @TheDailyHorse Thanks DailyHorse! in reply to TheDailyHorse #
- On to Denny’s on Denali for NaNoWriMo kickoff part 2: we start writing at midnight. Good thing Denny’s coffee is better than of yore. #