Here’s a selection of photos I took at last night’s True Diversity Dinner. Lighting was a challenge, & I was armed with a good but not stupendoidously superior camera, so bear with the graininess of some photos.
P.S. You can view this slideshow fullscreen by clicking on the fullscreen icon; you can also see them at my Flickr photostream.
I was honored to be the recipient of a True Diversity Award for Excellence in Online Media for coverage on my blog of the battle for the Anchorage equal rights ordinance.
I’m already way past a reasonable bedtime in the work I did processing these, & tomorrow — er, I mean later today — is a busy day: grocery shopping including taking my friend Sylvia to a farmer’s market; Side Street Saturdays writing; participating with a poetry performance in the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Alaska’s Open House (part of the Mayor’s Diversity Month events); & hearing Max Blumenthal, author of Republican Gomorrah which I’m about 30% through, speak at UAA. So any post describing how the True Diversity Dinner was beyond “It was great!!!” will have to wait.
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