True Diversity Dinner: Slideshow

Here’s a selection of photos I took at last night’s True Diversity Dinner. Lighting was a challenge, & I was armed with a good but not stupendoidously superior camera, so bear with the graininess of some photos.

P.S. You can view this slideshow fullscreen by clicking on the fullscreen icon; you can also see them at my Flickr photostream.

I was honored to be the recipient of a True Diversity Award for Excellence in Online Media for coverage on my blog of the battle for the Anchorage equal rights ordinance.

True Diversity Award

True Diversity Award

At the True Diversity Dinner. Photo by Janson Jones.

At the True Diversity Dinner. Photo by Janson Jones.

I’m already way past a reasonable bedtime in the work I did processing these, & tomorrow — er, I mean later today — is a busy day: grocery shopping including taking my friend Sylvia to a farmer’s market; Side Street Saturdays writing; participating with a poetry performance in the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Alaska’s Open House (part of the Mayor’s Diversity Month events); & hearing Max Blumenthal, author of Republican Gomorrah which I’m about 30% through, speak at UAA. So any post describing how the True Diversity Dinner was beyond “It was great!!!” will have to wait.

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