It was a surprise to me: around 10:30 or so this morning I got a call at work, on my direct line, from someone identifying himself as a reporter. I’m not entirely unused to getting calls from reporters — faculty in my department are often asked to comment on this or that issue in the news — but those calls usually come to our main office line, not to my direct extension.
Turns out it was Corey Allen-Young of KTVA Channel 11 News. With the introduction in the Anchorage Assembly last night of an ordinance which would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, etc. on the basis of sexual orientation, Channel 11 was interested in talking with people who had actually experienced discrimination. Mr. Allen-Young had seen a comment I made on the blog of Assemblymember Patrick Flynn yesterday, in which I had made reference to having experienced discrimination for being a lesbian. Though I signed myself there as “Mel Green” rather than by my full name, with a little detective work Mr. Allen-Young had managed to track me down at my workplace a the university. Although my instance of discrimination had taken place quite awhile ago — in 1984, 25 years go — Mr. Allen-Young was still interested in talking with me.
So it is that I came to be on Channel 11 News tonight — the first time I’ve ever been interviewed for TV news. So pardon me if I go on about it a little (later) — it’s a new experience for me.
Here’s the interview, from KTVA’s website:
Tip o’ the nib to Katie, who found it online first.
More to say later. Meanwhile, consider making a donation to Equality Works, which is working to end discrimination in Anchorage on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
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