The noise begins

Alaska Pride flag (design by Steve)

Alaska Pride flag (design by Steve)

The Anchorage Daily News has a story by Megan Holland on the proposed equal rights ordinance:

“Assembly to consider gay rights ordinance — Discrimination ban: Proposal would also cover veterans; Rev. Prevo plans fight”

No big surprise that Jerry Prevo of the Anchorage Baptist Temple plans to battle the ordinance — Prevo was also a vocal opponent in the earlier attempts to establish equal rights in Anchorage in the mid-1970s and in 1992-1993. I expect the ADN will have more complete coverage tomorrow. The story confirms what Patrick Flynn indicated in his blog earlier today on Sunday: that the Assembly would hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance on June 9.

Meanwhile, the homophobes have already begun to climb out of the woodwork in comments on the ADN story. Example:

hhecuba wrote on 05/12/2009 09:20:45 PM:

Is the Anchorage Assembly pro sodomite? Will Anchorage be known as the new Sodom and Gomorra? Will the Anchorage Assembly support the Democrats new hate bill that supports and gives pedophiles and sodomites special privileges, and make it a hate crime for a preacher to give a sermon against homosexuality or normal people to live a their lives in a biblical way?

To which I replied:

Will people like hhecuba continue to ask questions that add nothing to a true civil discussion at all?

It took me some thought to frame my comment as a civil question, rather than to respond in kind. I hope that all of us who favor equal rights for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transfolk will take that kind of time — to take a deep breath & stay calm. Yes, the noise has begun. But a Finnish proverb I like to use as an email .sig comes readily to mind:

Hiljaa hyvä tulee.
(Good comes quietly.)

Which isn’t to say, say nothing. But say it with calm, quiet conviction, rather than spittle-flecked lips.

Foregoing The Daily Show tonight to see what KTUU Channel 2 News has to say in their 10 PM broadcast.

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