One hundred thirty-one (131) Fridays ago, I wrote about the progressive political blogger Kevin Drum’s tradition of Friday cat blogging. He still does it today.
I must have intended to follow the same tradition, but forgot to. Sorta like how I forgot to blog altogether. But now that I’ve remembered the one, I might as well remember the other.
So here to reintroduce my two children kittens who have lived with me since May 1, 2012: Kuu the tuxedo cat whose name means moon & her sister Laulu the tabby cat whose name means song. As mentioned 2-1/2 years ago, their names come from the Finnish song “Mitä Minä” (which I learned off the Hedningarna album Karelia Visa) which goes like this: “Mitä minä laula / kun kuuta laula” — “What do I sing when I sing to the moon.”