Monthly Archives: May 2011

The Daily Tweets 2011-05-04

"Ten years were a long time to wait for the end of Bin Laden. I ask you, how long before we see an end to FOX?" #fb #

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The death of Osama bin Laden, & an Obama appreciation

So much death and stupidity has proceeded from that one day, catalyzed by that one man, who was so tremendously successful at unleashing the murderousness and hatred of so many. It would be nice if all the killing and stupidity would end with his death. But it won’t.

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The Daily Tweets 2011-05-01

Saturday writing. Now at DT @KaladiBrothers until heading next door for @OutNorth presentation of Bridgman/Walker Dance at the PAC! #fb # Bridgman/Packer was great! & then I walked home, & watched Doctor Who. I have a crush on Dr. River … Continue reading

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