The trial in Case No. 3AN-09-07868CR, State of Alaska v. Rollins, is being heard before Anchorage Superior Court Judge Philip R. Volland in the Nesbett Courthouse at 4th & I in Anchorage. Two witnesses testified to being sexually victimized by Rollins.
The Andrew Rollins trials was again livetweeted by Grace Jang of KTVA Channel 11 News. See her Twitter feed for details, as I did not retweet. But, I did embed her report from tonight’s KTVA broadcast below; the video from yesterday’s broadcast is embedded in yesterday’s Daily Tweets post.
- Day 5 of Anthony Rollins trial – ex-APD cop accused of multiple sexual assaults while on duty. @GraceJangKTVA is again livetweeting. #fb #
- Also, @GraceJangKTVA‘s report last night on @KTVA : Details of Texts, Condoms Emerge in Day 4 of Rollins Trial http://bit.ly/etMgUJ #fb #
See also the story now posted overnight at the Anchorage Daily News website:
- 1 Feb 2011. “Witnesses describe encounters with Rollins in substation — SUBSTATION: 2 women tell jurors of unwanted sexual experiences with officer” by Lisa Demer (Anchorage Daily News).
Choosy bloggers choose GIF
- RT: @haronno: Settle a debate: is .gif pronounced “gif” or “jif”? // GIF (hard G). Avoids confusion w a really crappy brand of PB (Jiffy). #
- @haronno: I mean Jif (brand of crappy peanut butter). But the real truth is: choosy bloggers chose GIF. #
And then, (mostly) writing….
- RT: @jodotha: Tonight is #writeclub! Meeting at Sugarspoon at the usual time. Yay! // Looking forward to it – after I get my teeth cleaned. #
- Best hopes & prayers for Queenslanders as they brace for Tropical Cyclone Yasi. Stay safe. http://bit.ly/fLwTKv #fb #
- Heading out to get my teeth cleaned… I mean, beyond normal post-meal toothbrushing. Tonight my teeth will sparkle. Don’t get blinded. #fb #
- @exart Fever much better to have than super depression, most def. Take care, hope you feel better soon. #
- @sandykidd Buncha us in Anchorage #amwriting too — #nanowrimo types at regular Tues #writeclub gathering. Good luck unblanking that novel! #
- Reorging 4 years worth of @NaNoWriMo writing using @ScrivenerApp – best writing software I could ever have hoped to find. #
- @basiaak You did it! (replied to tweet). No worries, there will be other days my laptop comes to work w/ me. #
- @sandykidd That’s what a lot of us do! Well, except when we have to go to & from work. #
- Writing Raven @ Alaska Real nails it on religious bigotry from right re: Carlos Gonzales’ blessing for Giffords http://bit.ly/hY9GWe #fb #