The trial in Case No. 3AN-09-07868CR, State of Alaska v. Rollins, is being heard before Anchorage Superior Court Judge Philip R. Volland in the Nesbett Courthouse at 4th & I in Anchorage.
Again the trial was livetweeted by Grace Jang of KTVA Channel 11 News, also by photographer Ken Fankhauser. See their Twitter feeds for details, as I only retweeted a very very tiny minority of their tweets.
I’ve embedded Grace Jang’s report on tonight’s KTVA broadcast below.
- Day 4 of Anthony Rollins trial ex-APD officer accused of sexually assault on 6 women while on duty. @GraceJangKTVA livetweeting. #fb #
- Rollins trial: @photogfank also is there tweeting. Thanks for keeping us informed! #fb #
- @GraceJangKTVA What does his DNA being “excluded” mean exactly? They didn’t test for it? Or they could scientifically say it wasn’t his? in reply to GraceJangKTVA #
- @GraceJangKTVA Thanks! in reply to GraceJangKTVA #
- My friends in Brisbane & Ipswich, Queensland, now uncomfortably close to path of Cyclone Yasi. OzMud updates: http://bit.ly/hjWcRo #fb #
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: IA found APSIN records in Rollins’ car; records IA says should have been shredded // I wonder: records regarding whom? #
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: Rollins clad, head to toe, in gold today: gold suit, gold shoes. // they match gold-packaged condoms in his patrol car. #
- RT @TheJusticeDept We strongly disagree w/ court’s ruling & continue to believe Affordable Care Act constitutional http://go.usa.gov/Ynb #
- RT: @LarsonRichard: I have story coming out tomorrow in @crossedgenres about aliens, Katie Couric, death, & break-ups. All in 2000 words. #