The trial in Case No. 3AN-09-07868CR, State of Alaska v. Rollins, is being heard before Anchorage Superior Court Judge Philip R. Volland in the Nesbett Courthouse at 4th & I in Anchorage.
Grace Jang of KTVA Channel 11 News was in court livetweeting Anthony Rollins trial. He’s the former Anchorage Police Officer accused of multiple accounts of sexually assaulting women while on-duty. I didn’t retweet much, so see her twitter feed for complete coverage. However, today’s witnesses included of a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE); a couple of my tweets today concerned research of a statewide study (published at the UAA Justice Center website) on genital injuries in sexual assault cases, which concur with the nurse’s testimony.
(Update: I believe that Grace Jang was mistaken when she tweeted to me that the first alleged victim was both vaginally and orally assaulted — info later in the trial indicates that Victim #1 asserted oral sexual assault only.)
- RT: @KTVA: Grace Jang is in courtroom covering trial of Anthony Rollins. Follow @GraceJangKTVA for live updates. #fb #
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: Nurse says it’s common to not see genital injuries, in both consensual and non consensual sex // esp. w/ alcohol present #
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: Besides, wasn’t testimony that 1st alleged victim was _orally_, not vaginally, assaulted? in reply to GraceJangKTVA #
- RT: @GraceJangKTVA: @yksin Victim 1 was both vaginally and orally assaulted // Ah OK, thanks for clarification. #
- I’m starting to use Scrivener as my main writing software — here’s one example of why. (Great app, @ScrivenerApp !) http://bit.ly/gtF0c1 #
- I misspoke earlier: patient condition (sobriety, intoxiation, etc.) does not impact presence of genital injury in sexual assault cases… #
- … per p. 15, Alaska Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Study: Final Report (UAA Justice Center) http://bit.ly/erIkGD #