My friend “OzMud” (not her real name, obviously) — an American expat living in the Brisbane area who is a follower of the Alaska progressive blog The Mudflats, which is how we came to know each other — treated me to a trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. Unfortunately, she got sick near the end of our time there, & we ended up taking a emergency trip by ambulance to the hospital. Fortunately, my friend was well cared for, and went home that evening. Which good outcome returned the day to near perfection. Thanks, OzMud!
You can read OzMud’s account of the day at her blog OzMudflats. I haven’t yet written my account (as of this writing, on January 10, I have a rather large backlog of blog posts to write), but you can see my photos of the day at my Flickr photostream.
- Been so busy wandering around & taking pics, haven’t had time to process, upload, or blog ’em! #oztrip #fb #
- Yesterday spent most of the day in Brisbane’s CBD (central business district: they don’t say “downtown” or “uptown” here)… #oztrip #fb #
- ANZAC Square… St. Stephen’s Cathedral… etc. etc. zillions of pics & me hot sweaty sunburnt. But all is good! #oztrip #fb #
- Now about to take bus in, meeting online friend at Roma St. Station, going to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary to cuddle some koalas. #oztrip #fb #
- Back from Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, plus unanticipated firsthand look @ emergency health care Aussie style (not for me!). #oztrip #fb #
- Rode shotgun in Queensland Ambulance Service ambo to Royal Brisbane Hosp. My friend was/is in finest care. Thx Lone Pine & QAS! #oztrip #fb #
- Also got great pics & vids of koalas & ‘roos & more. Hope to process & upload a bunch tonight. Including some koala cuddle pics. #oztrip #fb #
- Good news: my friend already out of hospital. Checked out OK, on her way home. #oztrip #fb #
One Response to The Daily Tweets 2010-12-10: Koala cuddling