- @cadaverousapple Which one is it? Where? I’ll give you a third hit. (& not from a bong, b/c I don’t have one. Nor even so much as a roach) in reply to cadaverousapple #
- @ShardAngel — here’s the story I won 2nd place in that contest with. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/itchy-scratchy #
- Henkimaa: Not only my Daily Tweets, but also a brief “writing life” update — was a very good writing night indeed. http://bit.ly/9RkQME #fb #
- Massey Energy: further evidence that if corporations are “people,” they’re sociopathic people. http://bit.ly/9ur8yG #
- Can be read more than one way: “Misshapen bra leads to drug bust” (Fairbanks Daily News-Miner) http://bit.ly/azIy3U #
- Legislature approves PFDs for the dead: Alaskans fear influx of vampires as thirsty for oil money as for blood. http://bit.ly/aCO09L #
- Evidence Rep John Harris (R-Valdez) knows vampires & zombies – “They’ll be very pleased” to get PFD for the (evil) dead http://bit.ly/aCO09L #
- RT: @berickcook: @yksin our superhero personas: @DrSairis @TheDuctTapeMan @MolliTCocktail // Kiitos! I’ll follow tomorrow! #
- WaPo: Obama extends hospital visitation rights to same-sex partners of gays http://bit.ly/9Xj3DN #
- @berickcook — here’s the story I won 2nd place in that contest with. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/itchy-scratchy #
- @cadaverousapple But what’s it called? I went there last night, but didn’t find any saying last modified 4/15. (Maybe I was just sleepy.) in reply to cadaverousapple #
- RT: @kesbian_latie: I feel determined…. // Good to hear this. We need to get in IM soon! in reply to kesbian_latie #
- Queerty: What to say when the Pope’s apologists try to blame priests’ sexual abuse of children on homosexuality. http://bit.ly/aEYJdm #
- RT @MariKurisato Via @Slate People w privacy concerns abt Lib of Congress archiving tweets shd STOP TWEETING. http://slate.me/aTR3uK // DUH! #
- @ShardAngel Kitten murderer! in reply to ShardAngel #
- Again: this can be read more than one way: “Misshapen bra leads to Fairbanks drug bust” http://bit.ly/dmxbmb #fb #
- RT: @berickcook: @yksin Awesome story! Loved it! Really felt bad for both of them. Unobtainable temptations are a B—H! // No kidding! Thx! #
- @cadaverousapple Hope the dt @KaladiBrothers writing is going well. I gotta work.
in reply to cadaverousapple #
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