I’ll be doing a write-up of last night’s Assembly meeting re: the Sullivan insurance issue, but tonight was for doing my taxes, so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. But I have enough time tonight before wine & Daily Show/Colbert Report to also share my pics from today’s spring snowstorm.
And also, meantime, people interested in the Assembly doings re: the Sullygate stuff can read up on it at these fine locations:
- 4/13/2010. “Assembly takes up life insurance payment, puts off budget” by Jason Lamb (KTUU Channel 2 News).
- 4/14/2010. “Legal opinion sought on Sullivan life insurance” by Rosemary Shinohara (Anchorage Daily News). — several reader comments are by me (yksin — the avatar with the feet).
- 4/14/2010. “Assembly Votes for Independent Investigation of Sullivan ‘Life Insurance’” by Jeanne Devon (The Mudflats). Includes video excerpts of the April 13 Assembly meeting. — I made a two or three comments here as well.
- 4/14/2010. “In Brief” by Brendan Joel Kelley (Anchorage Press). A good summary of the April 13 Assembly meeting, with a number of important details not included in the ADN’s story.
And now — today’s tweets.
- @kesbian_latie Yo Katie yep been a long time. But better kebsian_latie than never!
in reply to kesbian_latie #
- Another snowy spring day in southcentral Alaska. #fb #
- Here is is, 9:30 AM the day after an Assembly meeting, & the Anchorage Daily News has written nothing about it. What gives, @adndotcom ? #fb #
- RT: @Metafrantic RT: @BoingBoing Library of Congress to archive every public tweet ever sent http://bit.ly/dA8SBX // We’ll all be famous! #
- @adndotcom Thanks. in reply to adndotcom #
- RT: @adndotcom: Anchorage Assembly voted last night to spend $10,000 on legal opinion of Sullivan life insurance. http://bit.ly/c9yu1j #
- RT @adndotcom: A group of Alaska inmates took over a section of a Colorado private prison during overnight disturbance. http://bit.ly/a3dTqg #
- RT: @adndotcom: RT @Scribbit: Snow is pretty, snow is white, but snow in April just ain’t right. #ANCsnow #
- Taxes suck, but at least I got mine done. #fb #
And the rest of my snowstorm pics, as a slideshow. Don’tcha love that WELCOME SPRING photo from my People Mover bus ride home? I sure do.