- Gates “eases” ban on gays in the military to start enforcing DADT “in a fairer manner.” What utter bullshit. http://bit.ly/aNekfZ #
- Gates “eases” ban on gays in the military to start enforcing DADT “in a fairer manner.” How can DADT _ever_ be “fair”?! http://bit.ly/aNekfZ #
- @shannynmoore Who are your guests today? What will you be talking about? in reply to shannynmoore #
- @nethenekhthon There’s a difference between “masochist” & “submissive” dear. Maybe @cadaverousapple is a dominant masochist? hahahaha #
- RT: @shannynmoore: RT @JasonLeopold: on the @shannynmoore radio show NOW http://bit.ly/hDX48 #
- @shannynmoore: KUDO’s feed not working still. At least not as linked from KUDO site. http://bit.ly/hDX48 #
- RT: @nethenekhthon: @ShardAngel I’d say masochism is about sensation: pleasure from pain. Submission is emotional/relational. #
- RT: @shannynmoore: Try this link, the other is loaded… http://bit.ly/7cL9W4 // thanks, that works. #
- @nethenekhthon @ShardAngel Why look it up when you can simply consult your local experts? Heh. #
- @cadaverousapple @nethenekhthon @ShardAngel Speaking for myself, I am a dirty-minded creature. #
- @cadaverousapple @ShardAngel @nethenekhthon Ha. So much for your original statement being innocent. Harmless, yes — but not innocent.
- Two LGBT authors — Mary Renault and Patrick White — shortlisted for Lost Man Booker Prize — Lambda Literary http://bit.ly/bK2TgQ #
- RT: @SciInMyFi New blog post: If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution! http://bit.ly/b5Zi6C #
- @SciInMyFi Your bit.ly link is giving a 404; I just “retweeted” with a new bit.ly which works — http://bit.ly/b5Zi6C in reply to SciInMyFi #
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