Today’s tweets were dominated by news about “balloon boy”: 6-year-old Falcon Heene supposed flight across the Colorado sky in his father’s Mylar-coated helium experimental balloon. Good thing for the boy he was really hiding in a cardboard box in the attic, scared of getting in trouble for untethering the thing. [Update: But then it turns out the whole thing was a hoax from the get-go.]
- Mouth still a little sore from yesterday’s dental appointment. Soft foods & liquids today — don’t want to chew! #
- RT: @jansonjones: I promise, Aurelia, to never put you in a freakishly giant, experimental, helium balloon vessel. // You’re a good father. #
- RT: @jansonjones: I embrace the crazy. // Why thank you. I like hugs. 😉 #
- @jansonjones Yeah pretty horrendous. Just got one tweet saying they think the little boy is no longer in the balloon… hope it’s wrong. in reply to jansonjones #
- RT: @jansonjones: RT @shannynmoore: RT @KagroX: Beck blames Obama for Balloonocaust #
- I don’t see any basket or anything that boy could be riding in…. #
- Balloon’s on the ground… #
- … if that boy is still in there & alive, it’d be pretty much a miracle. #
- Boy is not in balloon. Only good outcome now is if it turns out somehow he wasn’t actually in balloon to begin with. #
- Hoping earnestly that report by sibling that Falcon was in the balloon was a practical joke, & that Falcon is safe. #
- Note to self: do not tether experimental aircraft to back door without extreme security measures. #
- Falcon Heene’s family #
- HuffPost compiles ABC Wifeswap info & YouTube vids from Falcon Heene’s family #
- @JanFlora49 Oh damn! I hope they are okay! in reply to JanFlora49 #
- WTF!! Louisiana justice of the peace denies interracial couple a marriage license (via @SistersTalk) #
- RT: @jansonjones: I miss the old days, when things were exciting. Like when we thought a kid was floating in a giant ufo hellium balloon. #
- @jansonjones Life suddenly got so dreary & dull in the last two hours. in reply to jansonjones #
- RT: @jansonjones: Wow. They found the balloon kid alive at the house… How you like that drama? heh. // Stupid prank, but good news. #
- RT: @jansonjones: Every time a kid goes floating across the Colorado sky, I say, “Did you check the house?” And nobody ever listens to me… #
- My. Gums. Hurt. (And liquid/soft food diets are BOOOORING!) #
One Response to The Daily Tweets, 2009-10-15: Balloon boy