The Daily Tweets, 2009-10-09

  • RT @outeralliance: Outer Alliance plans 10/11 Coming Out Day event #
  • Stopped by Blockbuster last night: got my copy of Running Man for Sunday's 2:00 PM AKST #livesnark event! #
  • RT: @celticdiva: Stand up for victims of sexual violence–Noon to 3:00 PM, Nesbett Courthouse 3rd and I St. #
  • Eating a locally grown carrot. Wow is it tasty. #
  • RT: @elizadushku: DOLLHOUSE tonight 9p (or 8p) on FOX! Sorority/serial killer chic. Q&A after the show Tweeters! #
  • RT: @katsylver: OMG! The sun is shining through my window! Yay! // I won't see the sun again until February, except on weekends. [pout] #
  • RT: @MoTancharoen: Thoughts on tonight's #Dollhouse ep? Here's one – Enver was/is brilliant. Maybe that's two? // Me three. So very KiKi! #
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