Who I sleep with every night

How very salacious! Usually he curls up next to my legs. If I forgot to make sure he’s got food, he walks on my ribs, or even more sensitive parts of my anatomy, to let me know. Cats are kind that way.

Rin Tin Fuzz, striking a noble pose on the back of my couch.

Rin Tin Fuzz, striking a noble pose on the back of my couch.

His real name’s Väinämöinen (Vai for short), after the steadfast tietäjä (a shaman or knower) of the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala. But… well, yeah… I also call him Fuzzy Wuzz, even though he’s not a bear. But last Friday night, striking such a noble pose — who could he be but Rin Tin Fuzz? German Shepherds, eat your hearts out.

Just got down with a long convo with my friend Chris. We talked from about 6:30 to nearly 11:00. Ran out the charge on my cordless land line, & nearly ran the battery down on my cell phone too. Great to talk. Great to hear some of the cool stuff he’s writing.

And that’s all for tonight.

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