Bonnie Raitt: Thing Called Love

In the mood for Bonnie Raitt today.  If it was on YouTube, I’d’ve picked “Wherever You May Be” from her Silver Lining album, because it makes me think of a couple of far distant people I love very much, & miss… but since it’s not on YouTube, I’ve picked one of my earliest Bonnie Raitt favorites (& I have a lot of ’em), “Thing Called Love” from the first of her albums I owned, Nick of Time.  (I own a bunch of ’em now.)

This is a performance with Bruce Hornsby. According to the person who posted it, it’s from from Road Tested [1995].

I used to love rocking out to this song when I was setting up my tent at the Alaska Women’s Music Festival in Fairbanks back in the early ’90s….

Are you ready for the thing called love
Don’t come from me and you, it comes from up above
I ain’t no porcupine, take off your kid gloves
Are you ready for the thing called love

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