… might not exactly be the adventure she was looking for. Because sometimes even Hong Kong investment firms need comic relief.
- 9/1/09. “Hong Kong Broker Pulling A ‘Borat’ On Sarah Palin” by Vincent Fernando (The Business Insider: Clusterstock blog).
Update: One has begun to wonder if Hong Kong investment brokers wear pajamas and live in their mother’s basements.
Update 2: For other (& longer) takes on this item from people who blog more extensively about Palin than I do, I recommend:
- 9/1/09. “Palin’s Been Punked?” by AK Muckracker (The Mudflats). AK Muckraker also has a poll on whether Palin will actually do the speech.
- 9/1/09. “Palin Punked?” by Shannyn Moore (Just a Girl from Homer).
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