- Oh no…! apocalypse! arithmetic is malfunctioning today! Oh wait — it's my thinking processes? Oh. Never mind. Universe is normal. #
- Why is the Blogger sign-in screen showing up today (& yesterday) in Arabic? Good thing I know which fields to use for username & password! #
- Critters wanks too, yes they do. http://www.slate.com/id/2223013/ #
- @celticdiva: "Only on a Friday would I tweet this" — b/c just like NPR's Talk of the Nation, Fridays are for _science_! #
- Payday! Gonna be tight for a couple weeks, but bills paid, getting finances in order. Cashing in 40 hrs next ppd for a new couch/bed. #
- Please, don't whip out your weenie unless you're making a hot dog. Breastfeeding, OTOH, sustains a baby's life. http://tinyurl.com/n8syz7 #
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