- @blogofinnocence congrats. I quit smoking painlessly 1993 using licorice root – really eased nic fit cravings. in reply to blogofinnocence #
- @RobinPine I stopped smoking in 1993. I don't need spam in 2009 to help me stop smoking all over again. in reply to RobinPine #
- John of @alaskacommons reminds: though public testimony is over, work for Anchorage LGBT equal rights ordinance still necessary. #anclgbt #
- John @alaskacommons reminds: public testimony over but work still needed for Anch LGBT equal rights ord. http://tinyurl.com/nqowws #anclgbt #
- RT with slight revision: @Mudflats: Ask not for whom the Taco Bell tolls. It tolls for Gidget. [RIP Taco Bell chihuahua] #
- RT: @NathanFillion: DO NOT RE-TWEET THIS! (via @rainnwilson) (via @captdope) #
- Blogged: Contrary to prior Assembly testimony, existing law does not protect LGBT people from discrimination http://bit.ly/2jZatL #anclgbt #
- Blogged: Oncale Supreme Ct decision on workplace sexual harassment does not protect LGBTs from discrimination http://bit.ly/DoNAD #anclgbt #
- Patrick Flynn drafted new substitution version of ordinance addressing religious concerns. http://www.patrickflynn.org/blog/?p=342 #anclgbt #
- Proof that a Floridian can experience 82 degree temps in Alaska. @jansonjones http://tinyurl.com/mpas97 #
- Photos up: Anchorage Assembly public testimony night #5, 7 July 2009. Will blog tomorrow http://tinyurl.com/lhn8fh #anclgbt #
- More photos: 6th & final night of public testimony at Anchorage Assembly, 21 July 2009. http://tinyurl.com/nbltop #anclgbt #
- Done photo uploading for the night. good, now I can eat. And rewatch "Caprica," this time w/ producer commentary. Kick back yeah. #
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